Wednesday, June 09, 2004

fit yours!

When I went into a pre-anaesthetic check-up a week before an operation, the intern at the hospital told me that I had a low pulse rate. "Is that bad doctor"? , I exclaimed. "No , not at all, its good in fact", retorted the doc.

"Is it that you take up physical exercise regularly"?
Oh yes, I do!!

so there's some reward in my conscious pursuit of fitness and related activities. I grew up playing sports, badminton, cricket, hockey, football, marbles, chess, kite-flying, volleyball, You name it, I played it. Though variety galored, discipline and structure lacked. Then there was time when I submerged myself into the deep sea of academics. My study table became my life and my only change from my "hideout" was the post-lunch walk with my bro.

But it changed all in college, cos then I took to structured sport but that too under an academics shadow. Sports require equipments, arena and most importanly , atleast one competent partner if not a full size team. If you play it hard, you lose the fun. If you take it too easy, you never improve. So I shifted to solo exercising that jelled better with my nature of "flying solo". So cricket, football were out and in came jogging, stretching,sprinting, working-out, cycling, Yoga, swimming, wall-practice in tennis + shadow practice in badminton were in. Set your own targets and surpass them and then raise the bar, isn't it simple enough to be applied everywhere in life.

Fitness is integral to my life. I attempted a valiant shot at qualification for an Everest trip while in my post-grad. I ran 5 kms in 24.5 minutes when I struggled to complete 4.4 kms in my undergrad. Yoga on weekends, badminton shadow 3 times a week, gym for the other three days , that was rougly my routine in post-grap college.

I am out of college now, and I still have a nice portfolio of fitness related activities. But most other don't." Have no time", my sleep is too dear to me", " I would rather diet my fat away",
" How can you not eat french fries!!!", "Yoga is hazardous if not done under a teacher" , "There are no open spaces around my house". " What can be more boring then running alone"? "This is my last cigarette today", "Water might not be pure enough, let's play safe, have a pepsi", " I can't think before I've had two cups of coffee"...ufffffff.. These are some lame excuses for those who do not care to make fitness a part of their lifestyle. "Heck, who are the tryin to fool"!! I say.

I as you might have guessed lie at the extreme end. I do not indulge, be it spicey restaurant food, be it trendy clothes, be it hip lifestyle, be it genx gizmos. And I feel that people who like to keep things simple and don't run around luxuries can develop that self-drive to reach those higher levels of body-mind co-ordination, breath control and flexibility that yoga and other fitness exercises aim ultimately at.

This blog is gonna run long!!! That's just the beginning of the making of a treatise :)